Saturday, February 16

Designing (don't laugh)

We are putting together classes for the next two months at Unraveled. For some reason, that I can't think of right now, I got the idea that I wanted to teach beginning lace. Ok, nothing wrong with that, but then I decided that I wanted to have my own lace scarf pattern for the class.

Ok, what was i thinking. I spent pretty much the entire day yesterday going through stitch pattern books and online resources, doing the math, and doing the charting. I came up with something that works really well mathematically but now that I have a few inches knitted I don't like it. I could have just found a nice "all over" pattern, add a little boarder and be done with it. But no, I was doing something asymmetrical, because that is that type of girl I am, (a little off on one side). The lines of the two main patterns are too much alike and I don't like it.
So now I have the choice to start over or use the Fiber Trends Cocoon Lace Pattern AC-73 by lace master Evelyn Clark.

Yup, I think I am going to choose "Cocooning" and go back to my Lady E! Decision made? Stay tuned.

Speaking of Lady E, she is out of hybernation and almost done. I have just under 2 skeins left.

Next up is Mom's Christmas Present. Argyle Golf Club Covers. She is going to be golfing again in Utah before I know it so I have to get going on these.

Thursday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

Compliments of A Cottage Industry

Saturday, February 2

Bye Callie

We lost our dog of 13 years yesterday. She was attacked by another dog and was so badly hurt we had to put her down. She was a very small sheltie, the cutest sweetest thing ever. Very much the little lady. She was my boys childhood dog so with her goes a large piece of our lives.

Callie came to us on Christmas Eve 1994
and left us Feb 1, 2008
We will miss you