Sunday, February 21


,I have a lot of blogs I read just for inspiration. The Creative blog community is amazing. To be able to sit at the computer and look at the amazing work from artist all over the world is the gift of the internet. No mater when I am in the mood it is there for me and it always lifts my spirits.

Here are just a few of blogs that have me drooling all over my screen.

"Wet Felting" taken to the extreme. I want one of these so bad. Can you believe she starts with fleece, roving, some water and soap to creat these?

Jamie is a very prolific Photographer that is very generous with his photos. He puts out photos each month that you can use for free as wall paper for you iphone. I love living into all the pictures on this blog.

I secretly want to create art journals like Debra

What better way to bring a smile to a cloudy day then one of Anablela's Necklaces

Wednesday, February 10

New Video

We are starting to add video to my website.
This is only possible because this is what Mr. Marvel does for a living. Not only is he talented but he is also very patient. I would not even think about doing videos without him doing all the shooting, asking the great questions and then creating editing magic.

Thankfully he is not only willing to do all the work, but is also able to get me past my inhibitions with cameras and insists that I really can to do this.

So thanks Marvelman, you get all of the credit.
I couldn't be teaching out of our home without your love and enthusiasm for what I am doing.