Monday, May 22

Bad Fay Lynn, Bad Shrug

Oh the PAIN of it all.

Why is it that a project can be humming along.

Pick up 256 stitch along the bottom and inside edges-check

Knitting in the round - check

Knit 3 garter stitch rows - checks

Drop Stitch row, wrapping 4 times on all 256 stitches - check

Begin slipping and knitting 8 wrapped stitches in reverse order - check

I completed about 5 set of 8 and then.........

The "Knit 3" row is in stockinette instead of garter stitch, I am knitting in the round now..........I should have puled two of the rows......

Bad Fay Lynn
Bad Bad Fay Lynn

Take out the last 3 hours of work - check!!

I am not a happy camper right now. I am so not a happy camper.

Rockin Sock Club to the rescue. A wonderful package in the mail.

I love these colors and I love this great pattern.

Wednesday, May 17

Bergamo Shrug from Weekend Knitting

This Great little shrug is one of the MANY things I have on my needles right now. I will slowly add the others over the next week, or two, or three. There are a lot of things going right now.

I am using Rowan RY Cashsoft. I love love love this yarn. It is so soft and is marvelous to knit with.

I have finished the back and the sides and I am starting to pick up the stitches for the boarders. Picking up stitches is always a "more then once" proposition. It usually takes me two or three times before the right number of stitches appear on my needles.

On the left side I needed 96 stitches total. I had to do it 3 times before that happened evenly. Hopefully the other edges will go faster.

This is the first of my Christmas knitting!!
I am not behind yet!!

Sunday, May 14

Mother's Day and Sons

My wonderful, brilliant, fabulous oldest son (forgive the gushing but it is mother's day) spent much of the day helping me set up my blog.

He is a graphic arts student who knows all the ends and outs of all things technical. Thanks to him I am as "techno" savvy as I am.

He will be leaving in September for the Academy of Arts Institute in down town San Francisco. He is going to have so much fun!

I don't know what we will do without him and his technical expertise around here.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Fay Lynn

Saturday, May 13

Testing Testing

I have been waiting to start a blog until I had a new computer. I live in a house that is always on the cutting edge of Apple technology and has enough computer power to for the whole block.

But my computer and technology prowes comes from hand-me-downs!

I am working on a very old I-Book that has very little space on it and runs very slow. I finally got rid of that old GYNORMOUS compter screen and now have a nice flat screen. (DS upgraded to a larger flat screen).

But this morning I cannot wait any longer.........Blog Land here I come!!

So........ This is a Test of the Marvelous Knitting Blog and it is time to have Fun!!

Fay Lynn