Monday, May 22

Bad Fay Lynn, Bad Shrug

Oh the PAIN of it all.

Why is it that a project can be humming along.

Pick up 256 stitch along the bottom and inside edges-check

Knitting in the round - check

Knit 3 garter stitch rows - checks

Drop Stitch row, wrapping 4 times on all 256 stitches - check

Begin slipping and knitting 8 wrapped stitches in reverse order - check

I completed about 5 set of 8 and then.........

The "Knit 3" row is in stockinette instead of garter stitch, I am knitting in the round now..........I should have puled two of the rows......

Bad Fay Lynn
Bad Bad Fay Lynn

Take out the last 3 hours of work - check!!

I am not a happy camper right now. I am so not a happy camper.

Rockin Sock Club to the rescue. A wonderful package in the mail.

I love these colors and I love this great pattern.

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