Saturday, January 20

007 A Dozen days

Unwindknitting is having a picture project for the year that sounded fun and should get me out with my camera at least once a month just to take pictures.

January in Southeren California

January at Hermosa Beach in Southern California. I love the beach in the winter. No people but the locals and often it is sunny, peaceful and quiet. Only people that really love the beach go there in the winter. Even if it is cold it is good!!

I will post pics of my current projects and TNNA in the next few days.

Tuesday, January 2

January Quiet

I don't make resolutions for the New Year. It is such a set up for failure.
I do stop eating so much sugar. But that is because I am actually sick of it right now.

What happens to me this time of year is the overwhelming need to
de-clutter Everything!!

Right now it is a compulsion. Yes I have many compulsions, not just Knitting.

First I have to take down Christmas which I have so enjoyed over the last few weeks.

Yet it has worn out it's welcome and it is time for the feeling of space that resides in my living room when it has all been packed away. .

I am itching to get to the basement and clean it out so that there will be open space for items as I de-clutter the rest of the rooms and closets.

I couldn't wait to start this process (I told you it was a compulsion) so I spent New Years watching USC WIN!!! And going through all my knitting magazine and patterns.

See, lots of room for all the magazines and patterns of 2007!

But alas I have only two days before I am away for 10 days (for fun, family, snow, TNNA classes, and an overwhelming amount of Fondeling Yarn). I sure hope this feeling stays with me and the motivation will still be here when I get home on the 15th.

Farewell to a Wonderful Season and Welcome to January 2007 and the quiet and space this month always brings.