Monday, December 31

Happy New Year

It must be an amazing omen when you come home from a wonderful evening at the Grove on New Years Eve

to find 12 dozen, count them 12 dozen long stem roses. (there where two more of those packs. 6 in all with 2 dozen in each pack)

On your back porch. I am pretty sure they are from a Certain Flower Guru that is in charge of flowers on one of the Roseparade floats. But my oh my. I had to raid the umbrella bucket!

Note: I woke up to two more packs!! This may be the only time in my life that I have 20 dozen roses sitting on my fireplace!!

Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 24

10 Years Today

Today is my tenth wedding anniversary. Marvel Man and I were talking last night about how time seems to move so fast and slow at the same time. It seems like a lifetime that we have been together and at the same time just yesterday that we met! (there are more wedding pics on the flicker badge on the right side)

I had the most beautiful intimate wedding on Christmas Eve. My parents had sold their stunning Tudor house, moved out so it was empty but not closing escrow until after the 1st of the year.

The living room had a wonderful high vulted beamed celing that looked like a church. There were only about 35 family and friends.

My two boys played recorder with my neighbor on guitar, my dad played flute with the guitar and our dear friends married us.

Then what most of you don't know is that 2 years ago I retired from 25 years of being the director of handbells at my church. After dinner all the guest joined together to sing and ring christmas carols with the bells.We all had so much fun. It was magic form beginning to end and set us on this amazing journey together.

So Happy Anniversary my Marvel Man. I am looking forward to the next 10 years and beyond. I am so lucky to have someone that gets me better then I get myself and supports not only this crazy knitting thing but all the other crazy things I get myself into.

I Love You! Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, December 9

I have Fallen

The ten little elves at my house want a break. I have been knitting and knitting and knitting. So I brought them over to the computer to type for a change of pace. I will but up more picks of all the holiday goodness when it is all finished.

But I have Fallen for Webs and thier pre order of Kauni (cow-nee) yarn.

I am in love with so many of the projects that are up on Ravelry using this amazing yarn. This Tote is probably my favorite. Makes my felting heart go pitter patter and we have those handles at the store!

Then there are all of the Lace Shawls. For these color changes I would tackle lace!

Color work on the sweaters that looks much harder then it really is

So I have several skeins of several colors on pre-order. Do I have company in my weakened state?