Monday, December 31

Happy New Year

It must be an amazing omen when you come home from a wonderful evening at the Grove on New Years Eve

to find 12 dozen, count them 12 dozen long stem roses. (there where two more of those packs. 6 in all with 2 dozen in each pack)

On your back porch. I am pretty sure they are from a Certain Flower Guru that is in charge of flowers on one of the Roseparade floats. But my oh my. I had to raid the umbrella bucket!

Note: I woke up to two more packs!! This may be the only time in my life that I have 20 dozen roses sitting on my fireplace!!

Happy New Year!!


mary said...

Roses for the new year? Perfect way to start it off. Happy new year!

Janice Rosema said...

Wow, they are gorgeous and you deserve them. I want your back porch if that is what you find there!